Monday, January 30, 2012

Gain Ground (Arcade)

Super Adventures in Gaming Replay - Game 1

Super AiG is one year old today! So I thought this would be a good time to go back to some of the games I wrote about during the first few months and take another look at them. And maybe do a better job of playing them this time around.

I wouldn't even dare animate that title screen in case the flickering static gave someone an epileptic fit. I don't know what Sega were thinking.

I wrote about the Genesis/Mega Drive version of this way back on the 3rd of February last year. In fact I managed to write about eight lines about the game and finished off by saying "There's just... nothing good about this game at all."

Well how the hell do you know that Ray? You played it for literally 20 seconds according to the timer on the screenshots. You basically just made an idiot of yourself in front of the whole internet. Yeah I think this game definitely requires another look.
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