Saturday, February 27, 2016

Super Hero Themes for CM Theme Engine

Hey guys, I have been using Resurrection remix for Micromax Unite 2 for a few days. I really loved the experience with it. One of the RR user asked in the group to make some super hero themes for cyanogen mod roms. I was thinking about it last night. But I found some later. Thus, sharing it with you all!

Here is the collection of seven themes featuring Marvel Avengers comic characters.
It will work on all 5.0.x Roms with Cyanogen theme engine.
So, its the time to to fight with Evil Ultron.


Styled Dialer Background
Goldie Icon 
cons Pack
Styled Navigation Bar
Themed Weather Icons
New FAB Buttons (7FABs)
S6 Lock Screen
38 Themed Apps
New Check Boxes
Trebuchet - Now - Nova Launchers Themed
Rounded Recents and Notifications

Themed Apps
Frameworks, SystemUI, Phone, Contacts, Gallery , Browser, Messaging, Eleven Music Player, Play Store, Calculator BG, CM Updater, Documents UI, Trebuchet folder BG, Sound Recorder, Camera {click buttons are too good}, Calender, Cell broadcast, Package Installer, CM File Manager, CM LockClock, AOSP Keyboard, What's app, Instagram, Titanium Backup, SuperSU, Nova, Google Keep, Plus, Search, Music, Play, YouTube, InPut(Keyboard), and Many More.

How To Install

  1. Download APK
  2. Install it
  3. Open CM theme Chooser
  4. Tap on the installed theme
  5. click Apply


Avengers Theme - Click Here!

Iron Man Theme - Click Here!

Captain America Theme - Click Here!

 Thor Theme - Click Here!

Hulk Theme - Click Here!

Hawkeye Theme - Click Here!

BlackWidow Theme - Click Here!

If you like these themes, You can help the dev by buying this theme on Play Store.

Supported ROMs

Supports a long list of ROMs having CM Theme engine Support.

► CyanogenMod 12/12.1

► Resurrection Remix
► Omni Rom
► Slim Rom
► AOKP Rom
► Paranoid Rom
► FLEX Rom
► BlissPop Rom
► AICP Rom
► Mahdi Rom
► Carbon Rom
► Euphoria Rom too.

[All Above Roms must be 5.0+]


Thunder Sky
Marvel Comics

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