Saturday, March 5, 2016

Resurrection Remix v2 [Lollipop 5.1.1] - Micromax Unite 2

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Here is a Latest Bugless Build Of RR Build By Aijt Guraya Port By Ranjan Singh.
Note: Everything You are Doing at Your Own. I will not be Responsible for anything .


RR Remix 5.5.9 v2
Complete rebuild, compiled ROM from source from the beginning

1. 1080P recording 100% fixed
2. Selinux will never change to enforcing
3. Compiled with custom toolchain
4. many new performance improvements x10 times more optimized than previous RR Remix
5. Tweak many of the system values for more optimization
6. Nothing extra like external tweaks or stuff is added
7. Increased touch sensitivity
8. GPS locks much faster
9. Deodexed
10. More stable than previous build
11. The default Pitch Black theme (in settings) is now working + 3rd party themes can also be downloaded/installed and applied
12. Many more major and minor fixes


1. Brightness Slider
2. Enable/Disable Show Notification Count
3. Superuser Indicator Switch
4. Carrier Label
5. Carrier Label Switch
6. Carrier label Color
7. Quick PullDown Switch
8. Smart Pulldown Switch
9. Clock Customizations
10 .Time & date
11. Clock Color
12. Day & date Toogle
13. Center Clock/Right Clock Choice

14. Battery Bar customization
15. Battery Icon

16. Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
17. Battery % Text
18. Network Traffic Indicator-Theme  Chooser
19. RR exclusive PITCH BLACK THEME

20. Toast Animations
21. ListView Animations
22. System Animations-Gestures
23. Gestures Anywhere Feature-App Circle Bar
24. Choose apps in App circle

CClock Widget :
25.Clock And Alarm Customizations
26.Weather Panel Customizations
27.Calendar Events

28. Lockscreen Shortcuts
29. Choose upto 5 Shortcuts
30. 100+ Icons for Shortcuts
31. Quick Slider Shortcuts

Navigation Bar
32. Enable/Disable Navbar
33. Navbar Ring Switch
34. Navbar Ring Targets
35. Navbar Button Customization
36. Navbar Dimensions(Portrait & Landscape)

Notification Drawer
37. Weather Display Switch
38. Quick Settings
39. Choice to Add 20+ Tiles
40. Enable 2/3/4 Tiles per Row
41. Enable Disable Brightness Slider in 6.Notification Panel
42. Advanced Location Settings 8.Switch(Choose Battery saving/Device Only/High
43. Accuracy Directly in Notification Panel)
44. LongPress Toggles to Enter Settings

45. Backlight Timer
46. Backlight Strength
47. Navigation Bar left/Right handed mode Switch
48. Power Menu
49. Power Menu End Calls Switch

Home button
50. Home Button Wake Up
51. Home Button answer call
52. Long Press Actions
53. Double Tap Actions

Back Button
54. Wake Up device Switch
Menu Button
55. Wake Up Device Switch
56. Short Press Actions
57. Long Press Actions

Search Button
58. Wake Up Device
59. Short Press Action
60. Long Press Action

Volume Buttons
61. Wake Up Device
62. Playback Control
63. Keyboard Cursor Control
64. Swap Buttons on Landscape mode

Performance profiles
65. LCD Density
66. Expanded Desktop Mode
67. All New CM Audio FX App
68. Heads Up Customizations
69. Over all Smoothness Improvements
70. Quick Unlock
71. Optimizations to Improve Battery

ALL CM12 Features, & much more.


Not Found any


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